West Yorkshire Police – Calderdale District say:
if you see or hear something which you suspect is linked to drug use or dealing. Often if something looks “not quite right” it isn’t. Don’t be afraid to tell us.
Sharing this type of information with the police is really important as it helps us tackle crime and criminality as well as protecting vulnerable people and bringing offenders to justice.
How can I help with intelligence?
You can speak to us in person at our advertised engagement events or if you see us on the beat. There are also many other different ways of contacting the police. These include calling us and reporting information online or passing information via Crimestoppers.
To contact West Yorkshire Police:
- Call 999 in an emergency.
- To speak to us or provide information it is 101.
- You can also now report crime online https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/report-it
- Or you can report crime anonymously to https://crimestoppers-uk.org/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjOSpwsWg-AIViK3tCh2hogvpEAAYASAAEgLD-_D_BwE
Thank you
Sgt Law