Elland Youth Club Kids Day Is A Big Success

The long running Elland youth group called Collide meets each Wednesday evening on Newcome Street and is a great place for school age kids to make fried and broaden their horizons. As a spin off the group has bene running special activity days during some school holidays, the latest was held during the easter break and it has been hailed, by the kids, as a great success.

“As the Easter holidays are over for some, we are thinking back to our Kids’ Day on Thursday where our children enjoyed a range of activities from baking and craft to inflatables, pamper session and Zulu drumming! They were an absolute pleasure to have and each one thoroughly enjoyed their day. We look forward to seeing them again in the summer holidays – watch out for the info and get signed up!”


If you’d like you kids to goto “collide” or to one of the future “kids days” the please get in touch with the team using contact details on: https://www.ellandchristiancentre.co.uk/